Mountain Leaf LLC
Consulting Services
Duct blaster and Blower door tests for code compliance
Blower Door Only: $200
Duct Tightness Only: $250 for the first system + $150 for each additional system
Duct Tightness and Blower Door Combination: $400
Additional Drive Time (further than 45 minutes from Southbury, CT): $100/hour
Consulting - Construction and HERS Rating for builders or owners
HERS Rating for state rebates and Energy Star Certification: - $1250 + $0.50/ sq ft over the first 3000 sq ft
Performing the following tasks as the HERS Rater as part of generating a HERS Rating:
Energy Modeling
Design consultation to maximize energy efficiency at a minimum cost
Preliminary HERS rating for Energize CT rebate application
Pre-drywall Field Verification and Inspections (first site-visit), including:
Insulation installation
Window U-factors, SHGC, sizes and shading
Post-drywall Field Testing and Verification (second site-visit), including:
Blower door test for envelope leakage and air sealing
Duct-blaster test for duct leakage
Ventilation flow rates and power consumption
HVAC Equipment
Hot water heating
Appliances and fixtures
Documentation and Submission
Incentive Support (Energize CT Rebate application and submissions)
General Consulting Rate: $100/hr
Working with the builder or home owner to meet energy goals, construction specifications, & additional inspections
Acting as an owner's representative